Insects are attracted to materials containing cellulose. Paper-based collections (documents, books, newspapers) contain cellulose and need to be protected from insect attack. Storing collections in cool dry spaces is preferable because there is a link between higher temperature and relative humidity, and increased insect activity.
[READ MORE]Category Archives: Press
An X-Ray at the Shoe Store
The customer and shoe salesman (and a child’s parent) could then look into viewing ports and see the position of the bones of the feet within the outline of the shoe.
[READ MORE]Lionel Hampton at Cincinnati’s Regal Theater
Lionel Hampton, renowned jazz musician and bandleader, known for his work on the vibraphone, piano, and drums, appeared at Cincinnati’s Regal Theater on Saturday, August 18, 1956.
[READ MORE]Portal to the World: Cincinnati Celebrates Its New Railroad Terminal
On March 31, 1933, a turn of a ceremonial gold key unlocked the doors of Cincinnati’s brand new Union Terminal. The newspaper declared that a portal to the world had swung open.
[READ MORE]The Holt Broadside Printing of the Declaration of Independence
On the evening of July 4th, 1776, Philadelphia printer and engraver John Dunlap, official printer to the Continental Congress, was given an order to print broadside copies of the Declaration of Independence. It is believed that Dunlap likely printed at least 200 copies that night and perhaps more.